7 Ways to Celebrate World Elephant Day on August 12

There are many reasons to love elephants. These gentle giants are loving and loyal creatures who make great friends and look out for their herds. They never forget a face, and (the mothers at least) grow up to become awesome parents.

Photo: Pixabay

But elephants–though once plentiful across Asia and Africa–are also being hunted into extinction. Ivory fetches high prices, encouraging poachers; other countries promote trophy hunting.

Meanwhile, zoos, circuses, and other “entertainment” venues routinely abuse and exploit elephants for profit, aka “elephant tourism.” The elephant’s dire straights are further compounded by habitat loss, covid-19, and climate change.

Photo: Pixabay

Now all three species of Asian and African elephants are endangered, or worse — but it’s not too late to save them. Start by celebrating World Elephant Day on August 12, which was founded in 2012 to raise awareness about elephants’ endangered status and boost conservation efforts.

Now in its 10th year, World Elephant Day remains an excellent way to champion this incredible creature. Read on for 7 ways to support elephants on World Elephant Day!

1. Spread the Word

Photo: Pixabay

Raising awareness is one of the primary goals behind World Elephant Day. You can help by posting about World Elephant Day on your social media channels to help spread the word about the myriad dangers facing elephants today.

3. Pledge to Stop Elephant Tourism

Photo: Adobe Stock

Celebrate World Elephant Day’s 10th anniversary by taking a pledge to help end elephant tourism. Elephants are routinely held in captivity and forced to perform in circuses, zoos, and other “entertainment” venues for unsuspecting tourists, all while they’re being abused and neglected behind the scenes. Take a pledge to avoid elephant rides, circus performances, zoos, and other elephant tourism, then sign a petition to help us ban elephant rides for good.

4. Save Elephants from Starvation

Photo: GreaterGood/Save Elephant Foundation

Thailand has been a hotbed for elephant tourism, but covid has made the situation even worse. As tourism declines, operators can longer afford to feed their elephants, who are now facing widespread starvation. These growing crisis led Greater Good to partner with Save Elephant Foundation to support elephant food banks, which have so far reached 1,059 starving elephants in Thailand. Your $10 donation can help us feed even more.

5. Rebuild An Elephant Shelter

Photo: Save Elephant Foundation

Asian elephants are also threatened by Thailand’s heavy monsoon season. On July 8, a tropical storm tore through an elephant camp in northern Thailand, trapping three terrified elephants, Theng, Somsri, and Thong Dee, beneath the soggy rubble. Now GreaterGood and Save Elephant Foundation are racing to rebuild the elephant shelter, but we need your help getting this project on the ground. Just $10 will help fund this emergency relief project.

6. Skip the Ivory

Photo: Pixabay/The Rainforest Site Store

Ivory is the leading driver behind poaching, which means you can help end this brutal trade (and help save elephants) by saying no to ivory and wildlife products altogether. Check out the Rainforest Site store for elephant-themed jewelry that actually gives back to elephants by supporting Project Peril, a GreaterGood signature program that works to restore elephant habitat and curb the ivory trade.

7.Show Your Support

Photo: Proud Elephant Mixed Metal Pin/The Rainforest Site Store

In honor of World Elephant Day, all of our elephant jewelry, clothing, handbags, socks, and other elephant-themed items are on sale! Check out the Rainforest Site Store for jewelry, handbags, socks, clothing, and other items that show your elephant pride! For a limited time only.

How are you celebrating World Elephant Day?

The post 7 Ways to Celebrate World Elephant Day on August 12 appeared first on The Animal Rescue Site News.

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