Why Do Dogs Whine?

Dogs may not be able to speak, but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to say. Dogs communicate using non-verbal cues, and we must do our best to listen.

Much of the time, pups are easy to read. A tail wag means “welcome home” and “I’ve missed you.” A slobbery lick on the face means “I love you so much.” But some dog behaviors, like whining, are confusing because dogs whine for many reasons. Dogs whine when they want something. Dogs whine to apologize, to get attention, or because they’re bored, anxious, and/or in pain. Read on for tips to decode what your dog’s whining might mean.

Photo: Pixabay

Dogs Whine For Help

Fido can’t speak, so whining is the next best way to ask for your help. Maybe your dog is whining because the food/water bowl is empty, or perhaps she needs a walk or potty break outside. Once you help fix your dog’s predicament, the whining should stop.

But if your dog is whining for second helpings, be wary of setting a bad example. Giving your dog whatever he wants might stop whining short-term, but it’s also the best way to teach your dog whining leads to extra food or treats.

Photo: Pixabay

Dogs Whine When They’re Hurt

If your dog is whining for no apparent reason, this could be a sign something is wrong. Dogs whine when they’re injured or hurt, so your pet’s whimpering could also signal an injury, illness, or another health problem. Pay attention to when your dog starts whining. Does your dog whine when she jumps onto the couch? Does your pet whimper as he climbs up and down the stairs? These could be signs that your dog has arthritis, joint pain, or another injury that warrants a trip to the vet.

Photo: Pixabay

Dogs Whine When They’re Bored

Dog act out in all sorts of ways when they get bored, and whining is just one way to express their discontent. If your dog is whining for no apparent reason, it could be because she’s not getting enough exercise, stimulation, or attention. Try taking your whining dog for an extra walk, go play some fetch, or buy interactive dog toys and puzzle mats to help keep him occupied. Bored dogs are also prone to chew up the furniture and dig holes in the yard, so keeping whining dogs busy and occupied is in everyone’s best interest.

Photo: Pixabay

Dogs Whine When They Want Attention

Whining is also a sign of attention-seeking behavior in dogs. Just like human babies and children throw tantrums to get attention, some dogs learn that whining helps them get their own way. Be careful of rewarding your dog for whining and other attention-seeking behaviors, which basically guarantee your dog’s whining will continue.

Photo: Pixabay

Dogs Whine When They’re Anxious

Dogs help humans manage anxiety, but ironically, dogs are pretty anxious creatures themselves. And when dogs get anxious or nervous, they communicate their distress by (you guessed it) whining. If your dog is whining, look around to see if anything (or anyone) could be making your pup nervous or stressed. Did the postman just show up at the door? Are there fireworks, police sirens, or other loud noises outside? If your dog starts whining each time you put on your coat to leave, s/he might have separation anxiety. If your dog’s whining stems from anxiety, your pup may exhibit these other anxious dog behaviors:

Signs of separation anxiety in dogs

  • Barking
  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Drooling
  • Trembling
  • Urination
  • Chewing and other destructive behaviors
  • Try giving your dog extra walks, Omega-3 Fish Oil supplements, and a calming anti-anxiety coat to reduce his anxiety and whining.

    Photo: The Animal Rescue Site Store

    Dogs Whine to Apologize

    Dogs have descended from wolves, and there are certain rules that come with being part of a pack. This leaves dogs whining as a form of appeasement behavior. Does your dog whine after being scolded for chewing your shoes or helping himself to your dinner? Whining is your guilty dog’s way of apologizing to you–the pack leader–and asking for your forgiveness. After you accept his apology, your dog should relax and stop whining.

    Photo: Pixabay

    How to Stop Dog Whining

    The first step to stop dog whining is to identify why your dog is whining, and then address the root cause(s) behind his behavior. If you can’t reduce your dog’s whining by following the steps above, contact your vet to rule out injury, illness, and anxiety, which can also be caused by hormonal disorders. Finally, consider re-training your dog’s attention-seeking behaviors. Dog whining is common, but more often than not, we dog owners are to blame.

    Photo: Pixabay

    The post Why Do Dogs Whine? appeared first on The Animal Rescue Site News.

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