Someone Posted An Obituary In Their Local Paper For Their Pet Chicken

When we have an animal in our household, they are more than a pet, they are a member of the family. Perhaps our minds will first go to a dog or a cat when we think about household pets, but that is only if you’ve never had a chicken.

Quite honestly, chickens are amazing birds and they have personalities that rival those of any standard family pet. They are beloved by any family who has one in their home, including this family in Texas.

When their 6-month-old Rhode Island Red named Big Mama died, they decided to pull out all the stops and post an obituary in The Eagle, a local newspaper.

It actually happened back in 2018, but it was a day that very few people in that area of Texas will forget.

Photo: Twitter/The Eagle

It seems as if Big Mama was living in a Houston apartment, and in 2013, her humans took her to be euthanized. It was a veterinarian who decided that this beautiful chicken needed something better, she needed a new home.

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Photo: Pixabay

Eventually, it was a College Station family that adopted Big Mama. Stephanie and Gregory Sword and their two sons became a family to the Rhode Island Red and they were instantly hooked, or so the obituary says, when they first saw her picture.

Photo: Pixabay

It wasn’t long before Big Mama was walking around through the grass, enjoying life and having plenty of TLC around-the-clock.

Unfortunately, she passed away in her sleep but she did manage to visit her favorite area of the chicken coop to do so, according to a report by KBTX-TV.

Perhaps the most surprising thing was not the fact that they put an obituary in the paper for a chicken, it’s that so many people fell in love with it. They were looking at it and recognizing that Big Mama was a part of the family.

One person even wrote a song dedicated to the pet hen.

The post Someone Posted An Obituary In Their Local Paper For Their Pet Chicken appeared first on The Animal Rescue Site News.

from The Animal Rescue Site News
