There are many things that may have a hold over our lives, but one that I think all of us could agree on is the power of music. We can be in the worst mood and suddenly, our mood is turned around when our favorite song starts playing. It’s something that we can even use to our advantage.
There is no doubt that music can play on our emotions. It seems as if that fact is also true with dogs as well, including one husky pup named Maya. She was upset with her mom for putting flea spray on her but she didn’t stay mad long after mom started singing her favorite song.
I think all of us have seen that look from our dogs that let us know just how upset they are with us. They can’t seem to hide the look on their faces and they might not even look at us when we talk to them. That is exactly where Maya was and she wanted her human mom to know just how upset she was.
That is when mom decided to take matters into her own hands after the flea spray incident. She began to sing “Tomorrow,” which just happens to be Maya’s favorite song. She was hoping that song, from Annie, would finally break the ice and get Maya to look in her direction.
Maya didn’t respond at first, but when she started singing the second line, Maya couldn’t hold back. She started howling along with her.
Sure, she was still angry at her mom, but she couldn’t stop herself from singing along. That being said, Maya still would not look at her when she called her name.
That is when she decided to give it another shot. Mom continued to sing a little longer so Maya could enjoy the song and then she stopped to see if they were ok now.
Mom asked her husky, “Are you gonna forgive me? Are you gonna look at me?” Maya still wasn’t ready to respond.
That is when the mom decided to give it one more shot. Maya was howling along a little this time, but only to let her mom know that she was still mad, although she loved the music.
When her mom gave it one last shot and started the song over, Maya was finally ready to break. She sang along and looked at her mom in the eye. You can see the moment for yourself in the following video.
from The Animal Rescue Site Blog
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