Dogs are generally good sports. They put up with everything that we throw their way, including making them the subjects of viral video challenges, such as the “Invisible Challenge.” A while back, people took up the viral challenge to confuse their pets with plastic wrap that they used to cover doorways or halls in order to keep them out.
Of course, the dogs don’t always see it coming, and it was supposed to make for funny videos. And while they were hilarious the videos, they were also called “cute but cruel.” Which is totally fair, but thank goodness dogs are such good sports.
However, not all dogs were suckered into running through the plastic wrap – a good portion of them did stop to survey the perplexing barrier. The fun was just beginning as many dog owners tried to get their dogs to fall for the confusing and invisible barrier.
This is the best challenge ever
— Mayapolarbear (@mayapolarbear) July 2, 2019
There were so many videos showing different reactions from dogs to this challenge, like the two pups who stopped before the plastic and then tried to figure out a way underneath.
Invisible dog wall almost worked… #invisiblechallenge
— Sheiva (@SheivaYazdani) July 4, 2019
Of course, one very intelligent Australian Shepherd easily saw through the ruse.
Can the #invisiblechallenge fool an Australian Shepherd?
— JoshCEO (@JoshMalan) July 3, 2019
And nothing about the challenge seemed to phase a little wiener dog…
The #invisiblechallenge you can't fool Loulou … bye! How will your dog/cat/bunny react to this?
— loulouminidachshund (@loulouminidachs) July 2, 2019
Neither was this corgi phased.
Will we be bamboozled? or… will we take no crap from da cling wrap? #invisiblechallenge
— halfhuskybros (@halfhuskybros) July 4, 2019
But the most entertaining part was watching the dogs who didn’t see the invisible barrier until too late and then went a little nuts. Plus, it’s always fun to witness dogs get outsmarted by cats – who were much more strategic about getting around the barrier.
Dogs are not the brightest of pets #invisiblechallenge
— NEKON (@CatWithBlueHat) July 4, 2019
from The Animal Rescue Site Blog
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