Mom Gave Her Son A Cardboard Cutout Of Their Dog When He Left For College

Going off to college always poses a ton of emotions for both parents and their kids. Kids are excited to go off to college, but also nervous about this big life change. While parents are proud of their kids but sad to see an empty nest. And in everything, there are the pets who are all around sad to see their favorite human leave the household.

When kids do go off to college and have to leave their beloved, furry friends at home, parents will often come up with ways of sending their kids a reminder of their pets. For me, when I left for college, my mom sent me with two framed pictures of my cats.

However, for 19-year-old Jake Ostrowski, his mother Sharla went a little bit bigger in her parting gift.

When Jake was a freshman at Texas Tech University, Sharla decided to send him off to college with a life-sized cardboard cutout of his dog, Jesse.

Jake decided to share a picture of the hilarious cutout on Twitter. Once it was on social media, it quickly went viral.

Sharla must have been thrilled to see the cardboard cut out received a prominent spot on the wall. We assume Jesse was too!

Granted, any life-sized cardboard replica of your pet is no replacement for the real thing, but it does provide a certain comfort until you can be reunited with your pet again – something we’re sure both Jake and Jesse were looking forward to.

What do you think of the giant cardboard cutout?

from The Animal Rescue Site Blog
